​Hexa-Cover® floating cover is an effective emission and evaporation control for Oil & Gas applications

The unique and patented Hexa-Cover® is perfect for almost any type of Oil & Gas and API applications.

The Hexa-Cover® API and Hexa-Cover® Oil & Gas products has proven to be an effective and efficient option for e.g. hot heavy oil duty applications such as CHOPS, Diluted Bitumen SAGD.​

Hexa-Cover® Oil & Gas Duty is designed to:

  • Reduce emissions such as BTEX benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylene. Eliminate or reduce water vapour that act as a carrier of VOCs that add to odour problems
  • Reduce heat loss resulting in lower operating costs. Insulation for liquid surface in a heated crude oil tank lowers operating costs for CHOPS facilities and central processing batteries
  • Reduce offensive and carcinogenic BTEX odours
  • Reduce tank head space corrosion by lower levels of humidity above the liquid level
  • Reduce or possibly eliminate expensive defoaming chemicals
  • Reduce energy needed to reach optimum process temperatures
  • Reduce the amount of water vapour generated as steam. Steam causes icing of the thief hatch and the transport of other odours from the tank

Hexa-Cover® Oil & Gas Duty:

  • Chemically compatible with heavy oil components up to temperatures of 100 °C and for SAGD dilbit sales tanks
  • Resistant to weight gain
  • Polymer is anti-static surface with a value of 3.7 x 1009 Ω
  • Resistant to thermal shock. Tested at -40 °C to +100 °C for sudden rapid temperature exposure
  • Can be installed while existing tanks are in operation

Hexa-Cover® API and Oil & Gas applications

  • Sour Sand Slurry Tanks
  • Process Water Ponds
  • Purified Tailings Ponds
  • Frac Water Tanks
  • API Separator
  • Hydrocarbon contaminated water

Specifications, Hexa-Cover® Oil & Gas Duty

  • Diagonal measure: 21 cm +/- .32cm
  • Height: 8.38 cm +/- .127 cm
  • Weight: 286g +/- 16g
  • Density: 0.375g/cc +/- 2%
  • Plate thickness at sphere 1.78cm
  • Plate thickness at outer perimeter 1.14 +/- .127cm

Link: Hexa-Cover® Oil & Gas / API flyer

Link: Installation Map

Link: Single Tank Thief Hatch

Link: Side Door / Door Pull

Link: Multi-Tank Installation, Vertical Overflow

Link: DuPont™ show case Hexa-Cover® Oil & Gas

Link: Hexa-Cover® Oil & Gas Duty - Press release

For more info on Hexa-Cover® API and Hexa-Cover® Oil & Gas please contact:

Soren Madsen, Denmark
CELL +45 29 33 79 72

Terry Frank, Canada

CELL +1​​​ 708-890-7517


Førende teknologi

Siden lanceringen i 2004 er Hexa-Cover® valgt til et utal af installationer globalt, hvilket gør Hexa-Cover® markedsledende.

Utallige anvendelsesmuligheder

Hexa-Cover® anvendes på alle former for bassiner, laguner, beholdere, containere, damme og tanke, og på stort alle former for væsker.

Den miljørigtige teknologi

Hexa-Cover® er produceret af genbrugsplast. 

Reducerer fordampning, algevækst, lugt, emission, varmetab og andet.

Kontakt os for mere information


Hexa-Cover A/S

Vilhelmsborgvej 5

7700 Thisted

+45 96 17 78 00


CVR-nummer: 27606555​



Hexa-Cover® er ideel som overdækning af stort alle typer væsker. Siden lanceringen i 2004 er Hexa-Cover® valgt til utallige projekter verden over hvilket gør Hexa-Cover® den globalt førende teknologi.

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